I'm trying to determine how webplayer functionalities differ from standalone builds. After looking in user manual / forums etc I gathered the following info :
C++ dlls can't be used for security reasons
local files can't be accessed in any way
no communication with USB ports
Question1 : Regarding disk access, is there no way whatsoever to read/write files on the local computer?
Q2 : Are there other major functionalities that are disabled for the webplayer?
We try to make the web player 1:1
(Editor Vs Web Player). Today, the
biggest difference is that we do not
support a subset of the security
sandbox in the editor, and this is:
Inability to call [SecurityCritical]
methods. Inability to use reflection
to change private fields / call
private methods in types that you did
not write yourself.not write yourself.
But i'm not sure if you could find a list of all [SecurityCritical] methods somewhere...