Webplayer game ads


I am planning on making a small game and I want to have ads in it so I can get some money from it. I want to make a game to webplayer and not a phone since I am not a fan of phones. Long story. I know about Unity Ads on the assets store but I haven’t tried it out yet. So if you have tested it, would it work for Webplayer games instead of phone games?

Thanks in advance

Unity ads will not work on the WebPlayer.

There are a bunch of other options out there. If you have control of the HTML you can use google ads or life street or any one of a thousand others. Even if you don’t control the HTML you can still use Application.ExternalEval to inject add code into the website.

For webplayer games you can also deploy on game portals, like congregate. There are hundreds of others. These portals will typically run their own ads and provide you with a revenue share.