Sorry if this question has been answered but i couldn’t find one and I tried the reference manual. Ive tried uploading a Unitywebplayer that I made and it works fine untill i put it in a web page, then it gets an error loading the unity data file. Any solutions
did you upload the unity data file?
Did you install the unity webplayer plugin for your browser?
Also, what server are you using? Some of them, especially free ones, try to inject ads into files, and unity webplayer files can become corrupt if that happens.
Also if you use an FTP client to upload the player to the web server, make sure it is uploaded as a binary file and not ASCII.
Thanks for suggestions but it still doesnt work.
Yes i uploaded both files, made sure that they are binary.
I uploaded them to two seperate servers with my OS on the servers. I uploaded using Fetch5.3. I uploaded both files in a folder and then independatly. There are no permisions denied on both files. I reinstalled the latest players and it still will not work.
Try to check if the name is with small and capital letters on the server. Tried it once that when I uploadet it, the ftp program changed it from capital to small.
yes all small letters to begin with and both files show same on server. (no change in names/file size, hidden tags… everything is as it should be)
uploaded to 2 completely different web servers to test-- same result – page loads in browser but says cannot find the asset. Asset is clearly in there.
uploaded with 2 different FTP apps— FETCH and Cyberduck – same result.
definitely binary file transfer.
re-exported project with new name— same result - plays properly on local MAC/Safari-- but will not play after being uploaded (FTP)
do you have a link to test so we can check it and potentially use the debug tools in IE8 / FF3 to give some feedback?
One thing to keep in mind (thought it does not seem to have an impact here): if your player refers to external files, never forget that the player is run on the user machine, not the server. So the rest in the same folder wouldn’t be accessable through “local access” anymore unlike the test on the machine. That stuff would be http access to the server.
I got same problem, in my case it was MIME Types. you need register unity type.
Here are the links for the tiny test files I put up to see if this would really work in a browser. I just zipped them so they can be downloaded on this forum (not zipped versions also in the FTP folder.)
feel free to download the files and upload on another server-perhaps someone else’s ftp works differently than mine…My server guy did say that the server is WINDOWS 2003-- and I noticed that someone else on the forum made a comment about that a long time ago.- However, I also FTPd these onto GODADDY’s server to a friends website and they won’t play from there either. The player html page still says the asset file can’t be found…
Server master added .unity3d MIME TYPE to Win 2003 Server MIME list.
Works great now.
Thanks for everyones input.