WebRTC support for Unity Standalone?

Hi. tl;dr I’m having trouble figuring out how I can implement WebRTC on a Unity Standalone app. Anyone know anything that might help?

Basically, my game (which is a single standalone Unity application) gets some input from players’ phones using their built-in web-browser (i.e. I can’t use a mobile app, this is supposed to work straight from the browser, and I’m avoiding WebGL for maximum compatibility). The browser client is all set up, and I have a signal server in place, but I’m stuck because I can’t seem to find any libraries for managing arbitrary WebRTC connections on the Unity Standalone side.

Does anyone know of anything that might help here?

Unet support web sockets. So you can use web sockets in web browser “clients” and web socket “server” in standalone mode or editor. Will it work for you?

Sorry. I forgot to mention that I’m already using websockets for signalling. The problem is that websockets (which can only be sent from the browser over TCP) are a tad slow for realtime input. WebRTC supports UDP which is why I think it’d be fast enough.