Websockets like intermediate server?


I was testing HLAPI and it is working well in LAN, but now I need connect players from out of my net and then they can’t connect each other because of firewall, NAT or I don’t know. Relay servers from Unity neither is a solution because just has 20 CCU and this add lag.

As well I was seeing alternatives to Unity networking system like Photon or AllJoyn. But or I have to pay or the service doesn’t bring what I want.

I am thinking in to have a dedicated server using websockets and this plugin https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/38367e, but first I need to know if I can use this like an intermediate between players.

In summary, in my game there is a person that load a 3D model and show it to other people joined to the “conversation” and they can see how the host move it. Thus I need pass movements from host to the other connected people, and for that use the websocket for pass the actual state of the model (GameObject) while it is moving.

Is this possible? Any other help will be apreciated

Thanks in advanced

No one knows nothing about it?

You can have a dedicated server of uNet running which clients connect to using its public well known IP address.
Is the App webGL so you want to use websockets?

And yes using any relay technology is possible but not easy. by possible I mean in theory. I guess you need to know protocol internals of uNet to be able to do that but my mind is too tired atm to think correctly. I think when for example you send a connect message or disconnect the relay server needs to understand it.

I am trying with HLAPI with an instance of unity in a server and it would be the intermediate between clients.

If I just use this features from mobiles joined to wifi networks or computers in a LAN… the most probably is that from out you can’t connect because of firewall or NAT (and is possible that from your house all worked, but in a enterprise network, it won’t work). This is the reason I had thinking in use websockets.