Weird behaviour when making a transparent object in HDRP

Hello! I have an object that has sort of a “cross” shape and I want to make it transparent so I can cutout a part of it when my character is behind it. However, I get something weird where from some angles part of the walls are transparent.

Here is my object with an ‘opaque’ material:

And here it is when I make it “transparent”, blending mode set to “alpha”:

Any insight on what is happening?

Is there nobody with some info on this?

Sorting issues.
Problem as old as transparency itself.
Read more on the internet.

BTW. How were you planning to make part of it transparent ?

Oh, so there is no setting that solves this or something? Is this just undoable in HDRP?

For the transparency thing, I made a ShaderGraph that just applies some mask to the alpha channel via some screen coordinates that I handle by script. It’s basically what is done here:

It seems that modifying a bit the geometry of my object I can fix the issue

Well, you could look into dithering (use this value in the alpha to blend the opacity from 1 to 0) and use alpha clipping for opaque materials, this is how I do the see through effect if I need it.

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