Unity 5.3.4xy Pro (x = f or p, y = any number)
iOS Build with Mono as the back end.
We use lots of AssetBundles in our project, which bring about plenty of convenience but also problems. Recently we’ve tried several times to upgrade our Unity 5.3.3 to a newer version, but every time a same issue occurs.
Some ABs, when loaded, are said to have a missing script sometimes, with error message like ‘file “none” is corrupted…’. The script (MonoBehaviour) is definitely attached to the Game Object since the error does NOT ALWAYS pop up. It’s on the prefab from which the AB is built. Google search provides no useful answer, but just asks me to check whether the script is there on the GO.
Could anyone give some hint on what we’re probably missing?
Not an answer to your question, but you do realise that you can’t use Mono as the backend if you’re going to publish to the App store (iTunes). You must use IL2CPP backend to have the now required64bit support.
But back to your problem at hand, we’d need to see some of the logic/code behind the problem. I’ve never experienced any spurious missing GameObjects.