Weird Color in Material?

Hi Guys,
I got a weird color in materials and the weird color is applied to objects too

Shown in picture <<

Thanks @saadali211 for the solution!

I just started the same tutorial and had the exact same problem. The solid material color had a kind of pattern, looked metallic and had a weird pink shine to it, just like in the image above. The video linked earlier did actually show the solution, but for anyone else having this problem:

Goto the top menu: Window → Lighting → Settings

In the bottom under “Debug settings” is an option for “Auto Generate” and a button/drop down for “Generate Lighting”. On the drop down menu is an option for “Clear Baked Data”. I had to click this several times, and I also clicked back and forth on the other “Bake reflection properties” option a bit, and suddenly the colors were back to “normal” as shown in the tutorial. Seems Unity welcomed me with a strange bug…

i have color problem and here is how i fixed it

I had same problem in Mac OS X. My white object was rendered a strange metallic brown colour. All I had to do was clicked on the ‘Auto Generate’ drop down menu options (in Window → Rendering → Lighting settings) and it immediately switched back to normal colours (e.g. white) before I even changed the drop down option. Thanks.