weird crash

Hi guys,

Alright, I can’t for the life of me figure this one out:

On my MBP the attached game (intel only) keeps crashing…both in the editor and when running the build. And I don’t just mean the game itself - OS X hangs completely and doesn’t respond to keyboard/mouse. Only cure seems to be to do a hard reboot using the power button.

I’m not getting any console errors in Unity and the crash seems to be random - usually within 2-3 min of play though - so I can’t figure out what the bug is… :frowning:

Can someone confirm that this crash is not just on my computer? And if so, is it because of a code-bug or a bug in Unity?

Send in a bug report to UT using the Report Bug app and attach either a build of the player or the project/scene that is used to build the player that crashes (the latter is always preferred).


Crap, can’t get this forum attachment to work - here’s a link to build + code

Send it in using the Report Bug app… then it’s in our system and will actually get looked at.

done, I’ve submitted scripts + build using the bug reporter. I’ll be waiting by the phone in case you figure something out :slight_smile:

Hi Peckinpah,

Were you able to figure out this crash issue? I’m having a standalone app crash on Intel macs, but only standalone and only on intels (it works on a G5 and from the editor).