So i got this litle Update function.
void Update()
if (isDone == true && debugDone == false)
debugDone = true;
Debug.Log ("done");
isDone is set to true after a thread finish his work debugDone is set to true in the Update function.
The weird thing is that he prints done 2 times but how can he do that after debugDone is set to true ?
I compiled it. It only came out with 1 “done”. Maybe you have another script telling you done?
Just tryed some thing else
int count = 0;
void Update()
if (isDone == true && debugDone == false)
debugDone = true;
Debug.Log ("done");
count ++;
if (debugDone == true)
Debug.Log (count);
is printing done, 1, done ,1 ,1 ,1…
i guess it have to do with setting isDone true from a thread. I also need to to do some Debug.DrawLine just wondering now if he will draw every thing 2 times…
Ok after i tryed to reproduce it with a new script
this gives no double debug
bool isDone = false;
bool debugDone = false;
System.Threading.Thread thread;
void Start ()
thread = new System.Threading.Thread (new ThreadStart (UslessFunction));
thread.Start ();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update ()
if (isDone == true && debugDone == false)
debugDone = true;
Debug.Log ("isDone");
void UslessFunction()
System.Random random = new System.Random ();
double rndNumber = 0;
while (rndNumber < 0.99d)
rndNumber = random.NextDouble();
isDone = true;
I realised that after a Unity crash my backup game object was set back to active resulting in the script running on two game objects…
sorry for the trouble !!!
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