Weird lighting issue when I restart or load level

This problem is small but annoying. Say I have an empty project with a cube and a plane under it to see the shadow. I make a simple script that states if I press a button (lets call it the ‘restart button’), then I load the level that’s currently loaded, which is restarting the level.

I attach the script to the cube so I can use it. I test the game and when I press the restart button, it restarts but every object in the scene gets darker. I check to see if it was the only light I have in the scene, but it’s not that.

So my question is why does the game do that and how can I fix this annoying problem?

Edit: Nvm. I see that everyone is having this issue and it doesn’t affect the build. Hopefully this gets patched up

if before building the game, everything is works ok, dont worry, its only a issue with the ligth map.

To fix it in the Editor, go to Window → Lighting → Lightmap Tab → Disable Continuous Baking → Press Build to bake the lighting once manually.

Note that if you add more lights or make some changes, you have to bake the lightmap again.