Weird lighting issue with multiple lights sources

Hello guys!

I have this weird lighting bug when I have multiple spot light sources in my scene.

When there are only 7 light sources active (the type must be set to spot), everything is normal, but when I activate the 8th object that has a light component (also with the spot type), some lights start to behave strange (lights disappearing, weird saturation and other stuff like this)

My game uses a completely black ambient color (in Lighting → Environment → Ambient color), i dont know if that helps too much, but i wanted to add this detail just in case.

I will attach a video so that you guys can exactly see what its happening:

Hi! Please report this bug via the Bug Reporter (“Help → Report a Bug…” in the Editor). Make sure to attach the project with which you’re experiencing the issue. We’ll then look into this issue deeper. Cheers!