So here I have pistol I made in blender and UV unwrapped correctly as I checked multiple times. For some reason the grip is coming out with these weird lines. These 3 photos shows the texture and it on a material thats on the grip and the correct UV unwrap
I see your dragged-in UV-channel box on the lower left of the blender pane but it feels like maybe unity is using a different alpha channel for it than Blender is??
Are these UVs within the normal bounds of the image, like 0 to 1 in u and v space? If you get too far away you can get weird distortions…
I’ve never done that until tonight, but I made four cubes and assigned the UV map for them to four separate UV maps and Unity SEEMS to get it right…
(the reason the top is different from the sides is that I colored the materials differently).
Glad to hear you’re back in service. I’m gonna drop off my little list of Blender3D with Unity3D tips and tricks here, in case someone finds this thread in the future for other reasons, and perhaps there might be another tidbit in here for you too!
Costs of using Blender files directly vs exporting to FBX:
Unity imports Blender3D objects as FBX via a little Python script:
The Python script that Unity uses (substitute your Unity version number or search) to import:
Blender3D objects used as trees / detail in Unity3D terrain (See the second half of this response)
Probuilder and Probuilderize and Blender:
Some more potentially-useful info:
Updating Blender files without breaking your prefabs:
When I work in Blender3D for Unity3D use, I follow these organizational rules:
use Empty Blender Objects as folders: they come out as an extra GameObject
ALWAYS parent everything to a single Empty, even a single object
ALWAYS apply all Scales and Rotations on every Transform throughout your hierarchy.
put as few objects in a given .blend file as possible, combining them in Unity into a prefab
REMOVE unnecessary items (Light, Camera, etc.)
use good names for your Blender3D objects and NEVER RENAME them after Unity sees them
don’t even think about final Materials or Textures in Blender. Set the mesh to use N different materials, but always set up the materials within Unity and disregard what gets imported.