Weird padding between tiles

Hello. I dont know if this is the right place to answer my question but no I struggled fixing my issue with many hacky things and nothing worked good.

I want to make a tile map with the desert_1_0_7.png (I also tested other tilemaps with the same problem).
My workflow: dragging the png into unity. setting texture type to “Sprite (UI and 2D)”, sprite mode to “Multiple”, pixels per unit to “32” cause this spritesheet seems to require that size and then slicing in the sprite editor 32*32 squares. I drag the sprite into the 2D tilepalette to create the tiles and start to draw the map.

I also tried to disable anti-aliasing but that did not help. I also tried to set the Grid cell gaps to -0,01 but that did not help; when using -0,1 the padding was away but the result was horrible because you saw the overlap. I also builded the project to see if this was just an issue before build but padding was still there.

Hopefully somebody has other hints that i can try or sees that i made something wrong in my workflow. Thanks anyway!


Here is an example of what i meant as padding between tiles made with the above sprite sheet.

Could need to use one pixel per unit with no compression. Could be that you are viewing it at 1.37 magnification and tricking yourself into thinking there is a problem.

you need to create a sprite atlas and set padding to 2

Thanks for your answers. I think i found the solution for my project: I changed Filter Mode of the sprite from “Bilinear” to “Point (no filter)”