The title may need to be adjusted, apologies if it doesn’t explain enough…
So down to my real issue/question.
I’ve built my APK, when I install it however it’s asking for permissions such as (I’m listing all of them, even the normal ones that make sense)…
- Network communication
- Storage
- Phone calls?
- Hardware controls?
- System tools?
The last 3 didn’t seem to appear until Unity Remote 4 was imported.
From the asset store I’ve imported…
- Unity Remote 4 v1.1
- Unity Test Tool v1.4
I’ve tried to edit the Android Manifest XML file but I don’t think that would ever work.
I know I’m kind of bare when it comes to info, but I’m not sure what else to add.
If you want to know anything else, just comment and let me know what you need to know and I’ll add it.