Hi. I’m new to ProBuilder and I was trying insert edge loops to be able to cut a hole for a door. I really don’t understand what I did wrong. I’d be happy to be able to share any more information if needed to solve the problem.
hmm, its not exactly clear to me the problem
however, rather than cuting out a door - which is exactly what we all think of doing, do edge loops, select edge on left and right do alt+u, then top and bottom, alt u, top and bottom again, alt u, now you have this shape
Generally advicable not to cut holes into geometry but rather build your geometry to create an opening. Here you’d be better off creating two vertical walls and one horizontal above the door to build a door frame.
You can then prefab this door frame and use the same door in many places.
Cutting geometry is something that often leaves you with an undesirable extra number of vertices/triangles (if not broken geometry) particularly in tools not designed for professional level of modeling, but even Blender etc are prone to algorithmically create an output that, if handcrafted, would be more resource efficient and also easier to modify later on.
Thank you! These comments helped me out so much!