Weird T mark appears with TextMesPro

Hi folk, Please help me.
Some weird T shaped mark appears on the top of the TextMeshPro - Text (UI).
It is even being displayed on a game scene and it only disappears when I hide it by clicking eye looking icon of the TextMeshPro
How can I remove this mark? I have attached an image for better understanding.
Thank you in advance.

Go to the Gizmos menu at the top right of the Scene view and you can toggle either all the gizmos off or if you get the dropdown you can turn the icon of for TMPro objects there.

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Thanks a lot @SppokyCat. You made my day! :slight_smile:
It disappears when I move “3D Icons” slider bar to the left end. (It resides in the Gizmo menu)
-For others information : Even unticking “3D Icons” cannot make the mark disappeared.

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I believe the tick box in front of “3D Icons” means “use the scale slider”. If you turn that off, it uses the default size. If you leave it ticked, you can slide it anywhere from all the way to the left, making ALL the icons at 0 scale (so invisible), to all the way to the right making them absolutely massive.

What you’re looking for here is scrolling down a little to the TextMeshPro stuff, and clicking on the icon (not the tick box next to it, that is for gizmos only and will not disable the icon). I believe that is what SpookyCat meant when saying you can turn the icon off. That is the way to turn off the ‘weird T-shaped mark’ only, and not everything. It’s a little unintuitive to click on the icon itself when there is a tickbox next to it, but that’s how it works.

Hopefully, this will help someone down the line, assuming you have already figured this out :slight_smile:

Attached: Screenshot with TextMeshProUGUI icons disabled, other TMP icons enabled.

9716344--1388914--Screenshot 2024-03-22 112911.png