Weird Transparency Issue

So I created a new asset for my mobile game and am using a PSD with an Alpha Channel and a Diffuse Transparency Shader. I am getting a really weird issue with the way the geometry is showing up though.

I did check the face normals and they are correct so that isn’t the issue. Any ideas?

What is it supposed to look like normally? Do you have an accurate 3D render of it?
It would be helpful to point out in the image where the really weird issue is. Is it the seats - where the people sit that isn’t showing up? Or a different area?
Showing the diffuse and alpha would also be helpful.

If I had to guess without seeing the render and alpha - I’d say the alpha needs to be reversed. Black to white, white to black.

So fiddled with it some more and switched up the shader and while I don’t know exactly what caused the problem to start I switched the shader from Transparency/Diffuse to Cutout Diffuse. That seemed to solve the issue.

2081421–136038–Bleachers_Correct.psd (1.91 MB)

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