Weird unwanted parallax effect on pixel art sprites with pixel perfect camera


ive tried everything i set the to point no filter on the sprite no compression and everything else but it doesnt work… can anyone help?
Thanks in advance!

That’s not parallax.

You’re scaling the game view by x3, that’s not pixel perfect. Change that to x1.

I only zoomed in so that it would be easier to see, the effect still happens when on 1x

In that case I have no idea what “effect” it is you’re seeing. You described it as “parallax” but you cannot have that with a single object reference.

Please describe what visual artefact you’re referring too; it might be obvious to you but it isn’t always obvious to those just watching a video for the first time. It sounds like you’re just saying pixel perfect isn’t working for you and that could be for a whole host of configuration reasons.

Yeah sure, so if you look at the pixels, you can see some doubling and some dissapearing ones.
It looks like lines going through the character and doubling/removing pixels.

Right so not parallax and it seems that pixel perfect is not working and/or set-up correctly.

Unfortunately I cannot tell you what is going wrong here. I’d say follow a different tutorial, assuming you’re following one.