Weird use of timeline (I think). Just a single frame thing - how to do?

I basically want to be able to call a static method on my API from a particular frame on the timeline, passing in a string value (that the user can input into the timeline asset) to the static class method.

My questions is, how is that done? All the blogs I’ve read about timeline seems to focus on things that morph over several frames and not a 1 frame event that does its own thing once it starts.

Is that possible? If so, how?

The simplest approach is to put in the OnEnable method of MonoBehaviour() and use an activation track in timeline on the corresponding GameObject.

Or, you can create a custom clip and put your call in an override to PlayableBehaviour::OnBehaviourPlay(). See Unity Blog for a brief overview of scripting in timeline.

Thank you, the Activation Track is perfect and works!