Welcome to the Cloud Content Delivery Forum!


Cloud Content Delivery is a managed service that helps you manage your content and deliver it to your end-users worldwide. The service is fully integrated into the Unity development platform, saving you months of building and maintaining your own similar service. Cloud Content Delivery is most valuable for content-rich live games or applications whose developers plan to update their titles on a regular basis.

Cloud Content Delivery works with all game engines.


If you need a solution to help manage your AssetBundles before deploying with Cloud Content Delivery, check out Addressables.

The Addressables package is compatible with all versions of Unity including and after 2018.3.

Main Features

The solution and features related are available through two interfaces: the Command Line Interface (CLI) and Unity dashboard.

  • Create buckets: Create buckets and logically group your content into them (i.e., Android Staging bucket, iOS production bucket, etc.).

  • Promote releases: Promote content releases from bucket-to-bucket instantly.

  • Assign badges: Create and set custom pointers to a release.

  • Compare differences: See the differences between two releases (i.e., number of entries added/updated/deleted)

We offer the first 50GB of bandwidth consumption free every month, no matter what. We want you to be able to explore the service and its benefits before committing to spending. Once you exceed 50GB of bandwidth use, Cloud Content Delivery charges $0.08 per GB of bandwidth consumed (with volume-based discounts).

How to Get Started

You can sign up for Cloud Content Delivery here and try it out today! You can also learn more in our documentation.

Forum Guidelines

  • Make sure your feedback is relevant and will help the team build a better experience for all Unity users.

  • Please keep issues in separate threads and avoid bundling, otherwise, the thread derails quickly.

  • This is not a general support forum for Unity. Topics that are not clearly related to Unity Cloud Content Delivery will be removed.

  • Do recognize that forum responses are not necessarily immediate, particularly as Unity engineers and users are located worldwide and do take weekends off.