Welcome to the Unity Asset Manager forum

Games today are more complex than ever, requiring more content than ever before. And without the right processes in place, you’ll condemn your artists to hours of endless searches, needlessly replicated assets, and slipping deadlines.

Welcome to Unity Asset Manager, a digital asset management system tailored for the rigors of 3D asset creation. Organize your content all in one place and instantly find what you’re looking for (so you can focus on creating).

With Unity Asset Manager, you can

  • Upload assets from disk or connect to Unity Version Control

  • Store assets in Unity Cloud storage (included storage according to your subscription, up to 10 GB on the free tier)

  • Build your own integration with APIs and SDKs

  • Access a suite of tools to manage, organize, and discover your assets

  • Use data transformation workflows to generate previews

  • Manage access to your assets with role-based access controls

To integrate Unity Asset Manager in your existing pipeline, there’s several tools that you can use.

  • Asset Manager for Unity is a package that integrates Unity Cloud assets into the Unity Editor. To use the package’s functionality, you need to install the package in Unity Editor.

  • Assets SDK is a package to help you integrate with Unity Cloud at runtime

  • Unity Cloud Python SDK is a package that allows you to create/update and download assets using python.

  • Asset Manager for Blender is a sample from the Unity Cloud Python SDK that allows you to upload and update FBXs to Asset Manager from Blender.

To learn what Asset Manager features are included in your subscription, visit the Unity Cloud Compare Plans page.

Additional Resources
Get started quickly with our Unity Learn: Asset Manager Quick Start Guide, available now.

Watch our Unite 2023 presentation for a complete overview

Documentation links

For Asset Manager for Unity, the asset manager window in Editor, Unity 2022 LTS+

Getting started
Log into Unity Cloud with your existing Unity ID or by creating a Unity Cloud account.

From the Unity Cloud Product page, select Asset Manager, create a project, add your assets, and start inviting teammates to collaborate in your project.

To get started quickly, check out our Unity Learn: Asset Manager Quick Start Guide for a step-by-step tutorial.

For more detailed information on getting started with Asset Manager, read the documentation.

Current state
Asset Manager is officially released and the Asset Manager package is experimental.

Please feel free to share any feedback here in the forum or via our roadmap. Please make sure to describe your use case and provide context and/or examples.

How to report bugs
Please report any bugs you may encounter to our Service desk. Please include reproduction steps and other contextual information that may help us identify and reproduce the issue. After submitting a report, feel free to start a conversation about it here in the forum. Posting in the forum is not a substitute for submitting a bug report.

Thank you for your interest, we’re looking forward to your feedback!

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