Were Can I Learn C#?

Hi! I know a lot about the Unity editor it self, but I cant code! I can set up scenes, add components, and know the basic needs of Unity, but when I have to sit down and type out 20 lines of code, I get stuck. I dont know the first thing about C# and I was wondering what website is the BEST for learning C#. I have tried Unity’s learn page, but it wasn’t working out. Thanks

Depends how you learn.

I would work through all the scripting examples on the howto page first

95% of c# you will never use.

Might as well learn the 5% you will…

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I find videos the easiest way to learn new code. Unity has some great scripting videos here and also just looking thru youtube C# videos is helpful. Get a handle on the core concepts and expand from there.

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Can you elaborate on why Unity’s Learn page ‘wasnt working out’?

95% of the .Net Libary but from C# you need definitly more than 5%

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Zero programming/ computing background here, - I learnt by live coding with Jon Weinberger at digital gaming institute, he’s also got a new book on the way out, recommend highly :slight_smile:

true … https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/x53a06bb.aspx 5% would only leave us 6ish keywords…
I wonder if I can find an full implementation of something in under 10 keywords… heh.

Anyways. You won’t use most of the “regular wisdom”. Do learn what /at least/ the keywords do.

I wonder if I can find an full implementation of something in under 10 keywords… heh.
[/quote]Hello World?

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