I’m looking for an RPG kit that is designed around western-style RPGs (Fallout, wasteland 2, etc).
The key features I’m looking for include turn based combat with action points and grid-based movement, and also grid-based inventory. I’ve looked at ORK, Playmaker, RPG Kit, and a couple others, but none of them seem to support these features out of the box - they all seem to be geared towards MMOs, Action RPGs, or JRPGs.
Its a kit I’d really like to make, but with the amount on my plate its not likely to happen soon.
One thing I have done in the past is create assets that have been funded by people who want the asset. I get a good reason to build the asset and you get a massive discount on development costs. Not saying that this would fit your needs, but if you want to chat about it drop me a PM.
To be honest you will probably not find some tailored to what you want exactly. One might put you ahead in something but you’ll have to build the rest.
im not looking for a complete plug and play solution, but rather a good base to build off of. it just happens that most kits i’ve seen are designed with a different core mentality than the one i’m looking for. We fully intend to manipulate existing systems and add our own.
Sometimes, there simply isn’t a kit for what you want to do. For instance, my last kit was based heavily off of Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link. There was no starter kit of any kind, despite it being a side-scrolling action platformer. You’d think one would have been made, especially as it’s a Zelda title, right? Well, you’d be wrong. I rolled the entire game from scratch.
While avoiding the ‘NIH’ trap, you’ve also got to accept that when something doesn’t exist, that becomes your job. Now, if you could create a game, then refine the framework to be easily extendable/generic/reusable, and sell it…