we just released our first iphone game called whack-a-groox, which is available on itunes now.
it’s a very simple, straight-forward whack-a-mole/ shooting gallery type game with a little twist: you must rub a bar to create snowballs before you can throw then. as we want to add more features to keep the title interesting, i’d love to receive feedback from you guys.
just shout out what you think, i can bear any critique
Purchased! I love the art on this one, and a nice variance on the gameplay mechanics. I was kinda sad to notice there is no music or sound effects, but I’m not one to complain because the game I’m working on doesn’t either
Only other thing I’d add is some sort of pause button. The game is highly addicting and can lead to a wife’s scorn with too many replies of “just a second”
You should copy this post into the Unity Apps thread so this gem doesn’t get lost in the shuffle.
I also noticed that your horizontal game is oriented with the home button on the left of the screen. Every horizontal Unity game I’ve created defaults to the home button being on the right, which leads me to believe this was a conscious decision for you to orient it the other way. Is there a specific reason you set the screen that way?
First of all, I usually don’t pick apart Unity forum members games. I do applaud the ones I like but I try to be generous with some of the rougher efforts.
Having said that, since you’ve asked… I’ll be frank.
The icon artwork is well done and unique. It stands out from the other iphone icons.
I love the fade in/fade out at the start of the game. They make the app seem responsive.
The intro sequence is nicely done.
I like how the second screen rotates to show you the game orientation. I think I’ve seen it before but I like it.
Great simple helpscreen
Intro The music is fun and fits the theme well.
The rotating score display is novel.
While the game play is simple, the addition of the snowball bar adds to the game play.
You have a lot of polish effects that look great. (Snow, damage overlay, vibrate, warning icon)
The end game music is funny and fits.
The high score input mechanism is easy to use.
Honestly, you’ve taken a well know game type, whack a mole, added to it and polished the heck out of the implementation. That, sir, is a job well done.
Great work - as Kenlem says very polished on all levels. However, I’ve got a couple suggestions:
Change the name
To me ‘Whack-a-XXXX’ suggests a particular type of game with very basic gameplay. Your game is much more than that. Maybe something like ‘Attack of the Groox’, ‘Groox Blast’, just something that says ‘shooting game!’
Change price to US$0.99
Our experience with the app store is get in the top 100 or die. The only way to increase your ranking is to increase downloads, so you need to make your game an impulse buy.
Awesome game. So polished and professional looking. 5 Stars.
I have no suggestions, other than I agree with Simon about possibly changing the name from Whack-a to Attack-of (or something).
Nice work!
UPDATE: Ok, I was thinking about the game again and actually I do have a suggestion that would make the game more enjoyable for me. The snowball generator (which I think is a genius idea, by the way) could use some more feedback… it was hard for me to keep track of how many snowballs I was making and how many I had left.