Unity LevelPlay is what Unity is pushing us towards to monetize our apps but the company Unity has partnered with won’t let us in the door.
I spent all this time setting up accounts and my app on Ironsource just to have them deny my app. They say ‘…it’s not their current focus’.
Is there way of weeding out smaller apps and developers?
I have been using Unity for about 10 years and loved it when Ads were integrated in the platform. I thought it made development really simple so that we could spend more time on our creations.
But now here it is again, where we have to spends all this time and going through all the headache getting 3rd party stuff implemented.
It’s this not the appropriate thread? I’m just posting to see if anyone else come across the reasons why, so on and so forth.
I mean is this how it’s going to be moving forward? We develop in Unity and we are being told to use this or that by Unity. We go in that direction only to be told No.
I feel like I’m asking the question ‘Why?’ And the response is ‘because I said so.’
As far as we can guess there are two possibilities:
That was a very polite way to say that the apparent quality of your product is not something they want to be associated with
The theme is actually out of their scope. E.g. medicine products and straight up gambling are fields where Unity requests to contact them directly first. BtoB applications may also be out of scope of the standard monetization. Similar with crypto or other types of banking. (it’s not impossible to monetize those through Unity but just not the standard way; probably because certain regulators may go after Unity if it turns out your app does not follow the laws).
I understand your point of views. I did reach out and heard nothing. Still waiting.
I‘ll head in another direction, maybe look Admob mediation or Chartboost.