I am creating an AnimationClip generator tool that needs to write to/modify the root position (RootT) and rotation (RootQ) of a selected gameobject. Basically to generate animations in unity instead of third party software.
I am currently using AnimationClip.SetCurve(myCurve) (here and here) with m_LocalPosition and localEulerAnglesRaw, but they aren’t exactly what i need. I need to write to the RootT and RootQ of my custom animation.
What do i need to put in XXXXXXX and YYYYYYYY to access RootT and RootQ? So that I don’t get the missing! Error.
Notice in the image with the missig, that I can Manually add the RootT/Q property but i need to do this through script.
Also, i notice that the icon for my missing rootT is a transform Icon, not the animator icon like the manually added RootT has.
I have tried RootT, Root_T, Root T, Animator.RootT, Animator.Root_T…