Just eleven, right?!
Different licence (user centric licence, less greedy platform support).
Adding a reasonable high level language like BlitzMax or Ruby for programming and adding a simple to use high level language for shaders as well and a graphical shader editor on top won’t hurt.
Rethinking redesigning Unity’s command set for a more powerful and simpler usage and making if elegant and efficient.
Rewriting the docs (better docs, support of all languages and examples in all language’s flavours (i heard this will come?).
Full blown well thought through 2D support.
Much more option on the sfx side (softsynth, fillters, recording fft analyse, …)
PhysX with soft bodies, GPU support, destructable objects, concave hull collisions, particle physics, …
Some motivation for thinking outside the box and so adding features which enable Unity’s usage outside the games world by adding key features like for instance Flash compareable and customizeable textfields.
Offering more input options for the different platforms, like the current position or access to the camera, two mice on computers, …
Debugging options which do not suck for 2010.
Overall delivering a rock solid, reliable and consistent experience in which you can trust for the very first time, without the frequent crashes on the web player, IDE hickups, weird shader behaviours between OSX an Win platforms, reworking features which are only half baked and only implement further features which work and are thought trough, more sense for delivering quality.
If i let myself fall behind on my bed, i know i’ll be fine.
If i release something with Unity i should feel the same confidence.
Make it fair, make it round and make it work.