What are the screen resolution possibilities when targeting pc/mac

I’m coping with a huge problem at the moment, concerning screen resolution.
As i’m a college student the only tools i have for developing the game i’m making is open source software and a laptop running windows with a 1366x768 resolution.

I recently found out that it’s best to develop your game on a 1920x1080 resolution since it’s common.

Now wondering if there is some sort of workaround since i dont have acces to a screen that has that resolution or higher and my sprites will probably blurr when displayed on such resolution.

In general case, its only apply fo GUI elements. 3D works nice in almost any resolution. The best option is to use a resolution independent.

How to achieve it? depend of what are you doing and what libraries are you using. Simple search and you will found.

For example, in NGUI you can use attachemnt points and/or scale your elements depending of resolution (or platform).

“I recently found out” – from where? You can’t ask whoever it is why they think that?

Obviously, it’s always better to develop using the exact target platform, regardless of what you’re doing. But one real problem is Aspect ratio. 1920x1080 is 16:9. So is your 1366x768 (double check my math, they all divide to 1.77.) Just make sure, as Sisso writes, you aren’t using any pixel measurements. A cheap way to test is to run the game in 1/4 of your screen. See if any GUIs are way out of position.