I am beginner in game development (But not in programming.I have 3+ years experience in Java).Now I want to make a game for mobile market.I want to know what are the skills require and how and where I could start learning those skills?
Like(Audio,Graphics,Animation,Programing and others)
You can buy everything you lack skills in on asset store. You can definitely skip audio and animation production, but having some graphics knowledge would help. As for learning graphics it is more software driven process, so google for example intorduction to Blender.
So I have a idea of FPS game with some mission charcter to acheive.Would Unity be sufficient for this .I mean for all aspect like animation,audio,graphics,programming.Or do I need to learn other different technology for that
Ok coming from java is a decent starting point, it’s similar to c# in many ways. Now like said above start working on something.
I wouldn’t say make an fps, unless you stick to fairly basic gameplay and art expectations, only because you might run out of steam real quick trying to make something complex.
Maybe start with copying simple 2d old school games. Make asteroids, joust, pacman. Something simple so you can learn the work flow of unity, and familiarize yourself with c#.
Once you tackle a couple few simple games, try some harder stuff. Disect popular addons/plugins/examples. Get an idea of what “good” code should be in unity, then experiment. It takes time, and plenty of trial and error to get something done like a AAA fps, but that’s not to say it can’t be done. Maybe find a solid team who can help, or you might be ten years older when it’s done haha.
But for a 3d game it is necessary to purchase maya,3dmax(they are costly for me at this time) is there any alterative tool that can help in making 3d assets freeware is ok.(once i get profit from my game I am ready to pay some percentage to them)
Yeah blender can do pretty much everything you need in 3d modeling. There are plenty tutorials online, and it’s royalty free and free to download as well.
or you could just not and say you did and noone would realize either, I mean you know you could let the games that aren’t poops be on a shelf with less poop, just an option - as someone who has some poop games
you are literally hosed if you can’t even look up the pricing model of your own GAME ENGINE