What are the uses of lerping vectors?

Does anybody know what lerping can help you with when it comes to vectors?
Also can someone give me an example?
And when lerping vectors does the lerp interpolate each component of the two vectors by the other vector?


Your object is at point A, and should be at point B in 10 seconds, the path being a straight line.
How do you calculate position of the object while it is moving on the path?

You lerp positions between A and B.

Or your object is currently green but should become red in X seconds.
How do you calculate current color of the object? You lerp the colors…

Lerp is a very common operation, that you are likely to be using often. Even more common operation would be a dot product.

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And what should the parameter t be to lerp the position between A and B?

Why don’t you think it over? It is on school level.

0.0 means the position is at start
1.0 mean the position is at the end

Have you read the documentation? If T = 0 it will be A, if T = 1 it will be B, if T = 0.5 it will be halfway between them.


You can increment T over X (with X often being time * speed or something similar) to produce a transition between A and B.

I have another discussion I’d like someone to give an answer for at this link, How to player look in direction of movement but always have the transform’s up vector look at the - Unity Forum

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