what camera fov is OK? 45,60 OR ...

in normal tv game , usually fov of camera is what? 45 ,60 ,or … which is better.

this is entirely dependent on what kind of game you’re making. it doesn’t matter if it’s going to be on the TV, a computer monitor, or an iPhone.

45 is a very narrow FOV, you might want to use it in situations where it’s a claustrophobic FPS horror game, or something along those lines. The player doesn’t have much peripheral vision, so it could be useful for games where you want to limit what the player can see on the sides.

60 is a pretty standard FOV because it feels pretty good in first and third person games.

90 or higher starts giving players much more peripheral vision. very useful for fast-paced action games or first person shooters (like Quake 3 arena, etc).

so yeah, it’s not a one-size fits all thing, you’re going to have to experiment and find out what fits best.

This guide is indispensable for making your game more accessible to a wider audience:


They say 60 for TV, 90 for computer monitor. Anything smaller causes nausea in some of your audience. But also, note that you can get away with a slightly smaller FOV for thirdperson games than first-person.

Best practice, of course, is to make it configurable from an always-accessible in-game menu. (I.E. you can access it from the pause screen AND the title screen.) 60/90 should just be the default.

No, no, no! You should never use FoV to limit players view area to make something claustrophobic or for anything like that. Too small and too big FOV cause motion sickness and headache to a lot of players.

There is no one correct value as the real value depends on how far away player is from the screen and how large the screen is. FoV stands for Field of Vision and should always be something that player has control over. Correct value depends on how much the screen covers of your total viewing angle. Humans generally have almost 180 degree vision horizontally and when sitting close to PC monitor it generally covers around 90 degrees horizontally hence FoV 90 is usually good.

General values are 60 for TV and 90 for PC monitor, but changing 22" monitor to 27" would require higher FoV from same viewing angle. Same goes for consoles, if you have 32" TV and then buy new 50" one you will most likely still have the couch at the same position. Only difference is that the closer you are and the more the screen covers your vision the more important it is to have correct FoV, this is the reason why PC players will always be really noisy if FoV is bad.