Few day ago my game perfectly working on my android phone, but this morning, it crash at the startup (before I can see the unity splash screen).
When I submit the bug report to my google play account I got this log :
java.lang.Error: FATAL EXCEPTION [UnityMain]
Unity version : 4.5.4p1
Device model : motorola XT1039
Device fingerprint: motorola/peregrine_reteu/peregrine:4.4.4/KXB21.14-L1.56/52:user/release-keys
Caused by: java.lang.Error: signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr bdc86117
Build fingerprint: ‘motorola/peregrine_reteu/peregrine:4.4.4/KXB21.14-L1.56/52:user/release-keys’
Revision: ‘p2d0’
pid: 2633, tid: 2661, name: UnityMain >>> com.iodicpixel.ohm <<<
r0 60ef4dd8 r1 60f3b8a8 r2 00000143 r3 bdc860f3
r4 5f4a679c r5 ffffffff r6 00000000 r7 00000000
r8 00000001 r9 602b8a24 sl 00102c34 fp 602b84ec
ip 602b84d8 sp 602b84b8 lr 5f10b374 pc 5f2090d4 cpsr 342e342e
at libmono.0011c0d4(Native Method)
at libmono.0001e370(Native Method)
at libmono.00020518(Native Method)
at libmono.00021838(Native Method)
at libmono.00022614(Native Method)
at libmono.00022824(Native Method)
at libmono.00023610(Native Method)
at libmono.mono_runtime_invoke(mono_runtime_invoke:144)
at libmono.00178894(Native Method)
at libmono.mono_exception_from_name_two_strings(mono_exception_from_name_two_strings:64)
at libmono.001340d4(Native Method)
at libmono.mono_runtime_init(mono_runtime_init:488)
at libmono.00026104(Native Method)
at libmono.mono_jit_init_version(mono_jit_init_version:28)
at libunity.002089f4(Native Method)
at libunity.003c4854(Native Method)
at libunity.003c5264(Native Method)
at libunity.003ce640(Native Method)
at libdvm.dvmPlatformInvoke(dvmPlatformInvoke:112)
at libdvm.dvmCallJNIMethod(unsigned int const*, JValue*, Method const*, Thread*)(dvmCallJNIMethod:398)
at libdvm.00029860(Native Method)
at libdvm.dvmMterpStd(Thread*)(dvmMterpStd:76)
at libdvm.dvmInterpret(Thread*, Method const*, JValue*)(dvmInterpret:184)
at libdvm.dvmCallMethodV(Thread*, Method const*, Object*, bool, JValue*, std::__va_list)(dvmCallMethodV:336)
at libdvm.dvmCallMethod(Thread*, Method const*, Object*, JValue*, …)(dvmCallMethod:20)
at libdvm.000581db(Native Method)
at libc.__thread_entry(__thread_entry:72)
at libc.pthread_create(pthread_create:240)
I suppose I can test to reinstall the application, or build a new one with the latest version of Unity.
But before that I will try to understand what causing this error. Cause nothing change on my android system. And the game still perfectly work on my second android device (Nexus 7)
Do you have any idea ?
And also, does that mean I have to build a new apk and submit it after each new release/patch of Unity3d ?
Thanks for any help,
run the game in unity editor, and check the code which is related to your platform