What can you do with Barracuda+Unity ?

general newbie barracuda question:
Is there some overview somewhere that what problems or what type/kind of problems you can solve with barracuda (and then use that in unity with this plugin).

slightly out of topic, but unity related:
Unity invested heavily in the AI early on, but i don’t see much new or advanced stuff coming up?
(Compared to what AI/ML field is showing with all the stable diffusion, codex, language processing, compression, nerfs, runwayml related news. is there anything considered, to bring into unity editor or as unity plugin?)

@mgear So what is the difference between Unity perception and Barracuda?Are they the same?

Hey @mgear ,

We have a small example repository here: GitHub - Unity-Technologies/barracuda-starter-kit: Barracuda Starter Kit project. Selected tutorials and documentation for Unity Barracuda project.
For more general ideas, you can check the ONNX model zoo. You can import a model and then create an interface for that model in the Unity Editor: GitHub - onnx/models: A collection of pre-trained, state-of-the-art models in the ONNX format
We also have some new higher-level AI tools being prepared for the future. For example ProtoRes: Proto-Residual Architecture for Deep Modeling of Human Pose by felix-harvey


Hey Aurimasp,
Could you please tell me if it is possible, to use barracuda (or any other solution) to make on-device translations (machine translations)? Something like in Android application GoogleTranslator, where you have possibility to download language packs and translate offline?

Hey, it is possible. You can look for language translation ONNX models and try to import them into Unity editor with Sentis.