What did I wrong?

I try to build an App with Unity and the first thing I’Ve to done is the UI.

So I play around and try some things to get the right scale, position and more.

But there’s one thing I can’t understand. My App should work in portrait-mode only later.

Look at my screenshots, in Unity everything seems to work fine, but if I run the App on my iPhone 6 in portrait-mode the two buttons are deformed. If I rotate to wide-screen, everything is fine.

What happens here?


Change the platform to iPhone or Android, set the gameview resolution to someting that resembles portrait mode 1080x1900 for instance. ( Button below pacman icon - usully its set to free Aspect )

Make a layout of the UI where you fit all elements and their anchors to the same position that way they will nicely rescale and stay in the same position when the size of the screen goes up/down. If you want to support diffirent aspect ratios you need to put Aspect Ratio Fitter components on them to make the aspect right based on the original graphics.


Perfectly, thanks a lot :slight_smile: