Im creating a Crash Bandicoot fangame and im having problems with the spin to destroy crates! I have a Gameobject which is my spinning model which gets enabled when i press Q and disabled after a certain amount of time! And i taged the gameobject with “CrashSpin” and then i have a script that picks up a certain tag then destroys the crate and it works if i tag my player with the tag but dosent work when i tag my spin model? how do i get this to work? i’ve tried with meshes and everything i can think of? Please help me out?
Something I would try is instead of showing a different model when you press Q, you could just play an animation of your player model. Then using collision detection by adding a collider to everything you want to be able to collide with, and with “Is Trigger” enabled, you can detect any collisions and whether the “spin” animation is currently playing.