Hi, I’m a beginner in Unity and I am looking to try and make a basic survival game where the character can:
- walk
- run
- crouch
- swim
- lose oxygen underwater
- pickup stuff
- make stuff(like building a raft)
- use made stuff
- stab
- cut trees
I was wondering about the elements that I will have to use. What will i need to read about/focus on? I’m familiar with c# coding but I’m not sure about the syntax. I would appreciate it if you guys can help me get by in learning to develop a game.
The things I need would be:
- Where to start(do I design a world or
do I code,…) - Structure of code (what to
initialize, update,…) - What should I read up on
- Any other notes you might have
your help will be very much appreciated
I have tried the learning section and I want to expand my knowledge.