What do you guys use to add music/sound to your game?

Ok so, I’m having a dilemma, because I don’t know how to create sounds and add them to a game. I was wondering if you guys could tell me the methods you use to accomplish this task.

Audacity is a free program that you can use to create/edit sounds. There are also many libraries of free sound effects online if you search for it (https://freesound.org/).

I usually buy the sounds as they are actually pretty hard to make. However, after that, I create a singleton type AudioManager which manages the playing of music and sound effects. It also maintains a master list of all the sounds I intend to use coupled with a name.

In the start method of that AudioManager, you migrate all the name-sound pairs into a dictionary for easy retrieval.
To learn the basics of playing audio in-game, just google unity audio tutorial. You will find plenty of resources there to help with that.
It is all about making the AudioManager do all the heavy lifting, that way everywhere else it is just a few lines of code to get sound playing the way you want it to.