What do you suggest? UNet or Forge?

Hi all,
i need some experienced help.
I want to make a RPG Shooter with up to 64 max CCUs.

I tried to use Bolt from Photon, but they dont support more than 32 CCUs at the moment.

What would you prefer?

Unless you’re unhappy with Bolt, there is no reason to switch:
Photon Bolt is perfectly suited for room based games with dozens of players. There is no hard limit - especially if you are doing client authoritative.

If you run into issues, let us know in our forum.

Thanks tobiass, i prefer bolt too, and i dont plan to use client authoritative.
But i heard from some bolt members, that they cannot run more than 32CCUs, because bolt itself is not multithreaded.

Beyond a certain number of players and active entities, you need to have a clever networking/syncing approach, no matter which tools you use. If you e.g. sync all animations and all their states on dozens of characters, even if you don’t see them, then you have to do better to reach higher player counts.

I would guess that it’s not Bolt itself that is keeping anyone from doing more than 32 things in one thread.
Maybe in a VR or mobile game where frame time is extremely short.
For the pure networking, there is not so much work going on. Usually, work in callbacks and updating the entities is taking more time than the de/serialization and sending.
This would be up to performance profiling, I guess.

In any case: I hope you find the tool you’re comfortable with.

I’ve not used bolt but I know it uses Lidgren and Lidgren can definitely support more than 32 players at the same time so I guess do your own profiling to see if others are right or not at first.

Bolt is not using Lidgren.

Sorry for the wrong info. Previously when Fredrik was working on it years ago he was using Lidgren. I thought still it’s the case. Anyhow the profiling part is right :slight_smile:

Hi there :slight_smile: I thought I would pitch in and say that Forge supports an un-capped amount of players. If your servers can handle them, you can have as many players as you wish :smile:. We even had early day tests last year that worked with 128 players. As stated though, you need to make sure you are handling your network data well in order to support large amounts of user interactions (or just simply push more expensive server hardware for it, which most people tend to avoid). We actually announced our Remastered version that is coming out VERY soon which will do 90% of the network optimizations for you through a friendly UI and currently are in the madness sale ;). If you have any questions let us know, in the end all solutions will get you to where you want to be. It is just a matter of how hard, at what cost, with what other limitations, and if the project is even supported by the developers anymore :). I noticed that you have Forge as an option in the thread title, but not in the main post, so just ignore me if Forge isn’t something you are interested in learning more about :P.