What does and exclamnation mark mean in scripts?

Hello everyone, this may be the silliest question I’m ever to ask, but if you don’s ask, you don’t know. as title sasy in many scrips I use there seems to be an exclamation mark in them, I don’t quite understand it’s use. I don’t even dare gues in case I’m wrong.

Below, from Turn light on/off - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions You’ll see a scriot where an exclamation mark is used, and i think I know what it does… but yeah some clarification would be great!

"You can toggle any bool by setting it to the opposite of its current value:

myBool = !myBool;

So you can toggle a light source by toggling its enabled state:

myLight.enabled = !myLight.enabled;

Now you want to do that if you press a certain button:

Light myLight = lightPoint.GetComponent("Light");
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) {
    myLight.enabled = !myLight.enabled;


! is the negation operator. It means "not", as in !True = False.

So, to clarify, when someone writes:

Light.enabled = !Light.enabled;

In english, that reads: "Set light to the opposite of what it currently is". Hence the idea of a "toggle". :P