What does iPhone.advertisingTrackingEnabled actually reference?

I need to know if my app implements any advertising functionality (regardless of mobile ad service providers). Should iPhone.advertisingTrackingEnabled do the trick? Is this even implemented yet? I was kind of hoping that it references the advertisingTrackingEnabled property of the new ASIdentifierManager class in iOS 6…

I haven’t tried it myself, and I understand that without a description (see http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/iPhone-advertisingTrackingEnabled.html), there’s really little hope for an actual reliable answer. So I was hoping if anyone from the “inside” can confirm this :D. Thanks.

Forgot if I’m allowed to answer my own question. But since nobody is answering, might as well post what I found here. For anybody who’s interested.

Turns out iPhone.advertisingTrackingEnabled does, indeed, reference the advertisingTrackingEnabled property of ASIdentifierManager in iOS 6+. I confirmed this via a test on a device running iOS 8.

For added info, iPhone.advertisingIdentifier also references the IFA of the same device.