What does it mean? : Resource ID out of range in GetResource

I’m getting this error continuously (even when not running the game) but there is no Google-solution.

Same here, it simply starts after some time and I have to restart

I just started getting it myself and been trying to figure it out and no luck finding a solution as of yet. For me, it occurs while doing a test run in the editor or a build. At first everything is ok but seems to happen after an amount of time and once it happens, it’s just starts streaming those errors constantly, even if I stop playback.

This issue suggests it’s an issue with RenderTargets not getting cleaned up properly:

You can also make sure you aren’t redundantly re-creating render targets (when they are the same width and height)

Common cause seems to be: Unity’s RenderTexture class has an annoying bug, if you call .Release() … it simply doesn’t work properly if the RT was created using RenderTexture.GetTemporary()

Instead, you must use RenderTexture.ReleaseTemporary() - the docs don’t explicitly state this, it’s inferred.