its my first time making a 3D game, and i am doing that just for fun.
but i noticed somethong weird, something that i can’t even search, because i dont know what it is really called
like, the parts have more lighter face, and i dont wanna that.
my game will have Pixeled view, and this lightning looks so weird.
i am really unsure for whatever is this.
i know nothing about custom shaders.
and i am not sure about “vertex lightning”, since everything in 3D development its very new for me.
and creating 'custom shaders" looks like hell of coding, just hearing this topic name
i can try
i can’t find any Specular Highlight option on my Unity 6
However, in both cases your material should have a “Smoothness” setting, which is at 0.5 by default. What you see here is called the Fresnel Effect, causing surfaces to become more reflective at lower viewing angles.
To eliminate these specular highlights, reduce the Smoothness. If you are using the Universal Render Pipeline and don’t want any specular highlights, you can also use the “Simple Lit” shader, where they can be completely disabled (in the Advanced Settings of the material). This should be more performant, althhough it depends on the platform if this will be noticeable.
ah and about this material, i figured out it was actually a ProBuilder shader.
i didtn knew that, and thanks too for showing for me where is the Shader menu