What does null means in the script below?

What Does null means?

This is the script im working on but i dont know what does “null” mean

function Awake() {
water = FindObjectOfType(Water);
if(water) waterLevel = water.gameObject.transform.position.y;
aColor = RenderSettings.fogColor;
aDensity = RenderSettings.fogDensity;

glow = GetComponent(GlowEffectIsland);
blur = GetComponent(BlurEffectIsland);
if( !glow || !blur )
	Debug.LogError("no right Glow/Blur assigned to camera!");
	enabled = false;
if( !waterSurface || !underwaterSurface )
	Debug.LogError("Water & underwater surfaces");
	enabled = true;
if( underwaterSurface != null )
	underwaterSurface.enabled = false;

Each object variable when created is poining to null.

Vector3 vec;

vec points to null. It is a special value that tells your this variable doesent point anywhere. You could say “it is empty”.

But if you were to write latter in code:

vec = new Vector3(1, 1, 1);

vec would no longer be null. It would point to this new vector you just created. This is called initialization. You can also combine these 2 steps:

Vector3 vec = new Vector3(1,1,1);

So when you are unsure weather your variable holds any value or not, you check it with

if(var != null)

for instance.

oh thank you