What does TDOF mean in the animation window?

Hi all,

I’me currently trying to animate a character in Unity only using the animation window in Unity.
I wanted to know if it was possible to do this inside of one program at all.
So I made my character, imported it in unity gave it an humanoid (yes its a human) rig checked it all etc.
Started animating parts of the body like a arm that lifts up, was kinda challenging but do able.
Now I wanted to animate a more difficult movement and came across something I never seen before.
By animating from the animator I came across something called TDOF (“Animator.Left Upper Leg TDOF” to be precise).

So I wondered what this does and how it works and even what TDOF means. I cant seem to animate it but I really want to know what it means.

Thank you in advance,

Kind Regard,

What software did you create your character in?
Where is it located, at the thigh pivot point, or lower on the leg?

Hi seven years later here with the same question. It stands for Translation Degree of Freedom, which i found no use for it what so ever but you can check the info here:

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Hi nine years later here with the same question. It was used in extra stretch stylized characters. Really useful for those characters. Ex. long arm, weird poses. I’m found that this is the culprit for the weird animation in Unity

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