Hello all,
Please forgive the noob question, but could someone please explain to me what exactly the documentation on Vector3.ProjectOnPlane (Vector3.ProjectOnPlane) is saying. Again, please forgive the noobishness of this question.
Thank you for reading.
Yay, I know this one!
Alright, so, a normal of a plane is just the vector pointing outwards from its surface. We could even just represent that plane (of infinite length and width) with that one normal vector. So, a projection is if you were to take a vector and lay it down onto the plane kind of. Here is an image showing it better:
Looking at the function Vector3.ProjectOnPlane, it takes in vector and plane normal. Using the picture as a reference, the dotted line is the plane normal that is being used to represent that WHOLE plane. the vector parameter is the x vector in the image. The return of calling this function is the nice little blue vector. It has been placed onto the plane, but note that it doesn’t fall onto it like a pencil. It falls straight down on it, so it may get squished a bit.
So, to reword what it the documentation is saying, it is projecting the given vector (laying it down) on the plane that is being defined by the plane normal. Normal orthogonal just means it is a right angle vector from the plane’s surface.