I was just wondering what happened to Feedback Friday. @Gigiwoo , are you alright?
It was always a delight to see what people were tinkering on in this format. Yes i know, the people actually posting into this gamedesign forum is a very small bunch, but there are many readers i believe.
I was Also wondering the same thing. While I didn’t have so much time to post in he forum, I usually read what people posted and occasionally have some feedback. However, I think Murgilod is right and hopefully we could have something similar in the future.
Gigiwoo sure has contributed a lot to this forum and I hope everything is alright with him.
Sad, hopefully someone picks it up. Like Joe, I am super busy at the moment. Maybe a group could get together and share the responsibility, that we way we can spread it out and not make one person do it every week.
Do you want to do a weekly thing? Maybe Friday through Monday each week? This gives weekday people and weekend warriors a chance to participate. I’ll volunteer for the first Friday of the month if people are interested in a weekly schedule.
I will take the 16th and @anon_48725020 , you can do the 9th if you are ready for that…this Friday. Or you can do the 23rd, if you would like. Or you can wait until next month…whatever is best. This should be fun so lets be flexible.
i will be in Florida on the 23rd cleaning out my mom’s house so I cannot take that week.
@TonyLi I went back and looked at some of Gigi’s old posts and I noticed he mentioned MVP but most of the threads were not really MVP. Do we want to allow for any kind of feedback? I saw some great discussions on story, palettes, design, mechanics, etc., that were not necessarily games ready to actually test.
Would be nice to see content though, and not just ideas.
I agree. My vote is to preferably have something playable, and barring that at least concept art or something more tangible than a plain wall of text. Palettes would be fine if accompanied by, again, something playable so we have some context.
Looking forward to it, I’d be happy to join in. What exactly are the responsibilities, besides creating the thread, putting in some feedback and getting it locked at the end?
I’d also say that minimum requirement is a playable of some kind, that’s what really differentiates it from any other thread/wip.