Hi all,
Just got back to Unity today, been away from it for a long time (7-8 years?) due to job in a completely different industry.
And what a change Unity has made itself. Although I can’t say its for the better.
First, trying to install Unity is a bit of challenge. What used to be almost a one click install from the website right at the top, is now replaced with hard-to-find “hidden away” download link. You click on “Get Started” then it takes you to the BUSINESS section, then you need to click on the “Individual” tab and select “Personal” “Get Started” AND IT STILL DOESN’T TAKE YOU TO THE DOWNLOAD LINK!!! WTF! Then you need to select again “Returning User”, finally you get to download a “Unity Hub” which is only a downloader for downloading Unity.
Once that’s downloaded you are faced with even more usability problems like error messages about no licence and no on screen help at all to tell you what to do next. I can’t imagine a newbie faced with this will think this is “easy”. So you need to either create a login or login first, then figure out “Oh you need to install Unity” by selecting what Unity to install. The whole process has became so unintuitive and complex it made me wonder WTF happened to Unity HQ and their usability experts who works there. Even Adobe Creative Suite or Microsoft Office installation process are easier than this.
The worst part is the downloader. It gives NO INDICATION (no percentage, no time estimate) of how long it will take to download Unity. All you got is a thin blue line to indicate progress. It is a spectacular interface fail.
From what I can see right now after away for a long time (so I am as fresh-eye as you can get)…Unity seriously needs to consider streamlining the whole process. Because usability is probably the last bastion/advantage that Unity holds against Unreal Engine. If Unity doesn’t even have that it has NOTHING. UE is now generation ahead (and will be generations ahead next year when UE5 ships) of Unity and UE’s terms for indie also is better.