Unity doesn’t recognize them anymore and its classes are missing in the 5.4b docs. Notice in the docs how there’s a lot missing for 5.4b.
Here it is in the 5.3 docs: http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Networking.Match.MatchInfo.html
Here it is in the 5.4b docs: Unity - Scripting API: MatchInfo
March 25, 2016, 11:04am
The API got heavily simplified. MatchInfo and MatchInfoSnapshot are now the only things needed for the new callbacks. For example:
matchMaker.JoinMatch(..., OnMatchJoined);
public override void OnMatchJoined(bool success, string extendedInfo, MatchInfo matchInfo)
No JoinMatchRequest/JoinMatchResponse and other stuff. You can find these callbacks by looking through and actually using the API in your code (with intellisense). Nevertheless, the online docs are a bit outdated (the API changed in a previous 5.4 beta).
The API got heavily simplified. MatchInfo and MatchInfoSnapshot are now the only things needed for the new callbacks. For example:
matchMaker.JoinMatch(..., OnMatchJoined);
public override void OnMatchJoined(bool success, string extendedInfo, MatchInfo matchInfo)
No JoinMatchRequest/JoinMatchResponse and other stuff. You can find these callbacks by looking through and actually using the API in your code (with intellisense). Nevertheless, the online docs are a bit outdated (the API changed in a previous 5.4 beta).
This is nice, UT, please continue to do this with the entire networking API.