What happened to your dream game when you finally had the ability to make it?

When I started making game I had big dreams and thought it would be easy (I still think). I am not really good at making game yet but there were few game I though were soon awesome I just typed their names in new Project window and created a new project (They are currently somewhere in my archive folder) Now when I can make many if those I feel like that they were just another crap idea I thought.
I wanted to ask how many of you actually made your first “dream game” exactly like you though it would be and did it felt like the way to wanted to?

I end up dumping the ideas and moving to the next. Not because I can’t finish anything. I just get bored for working on one thing for a period of time.

When I say dumping the idea - I don’t mean abandon it. I just take a break from it for a good period of time and come back to it later. I love to work on multiple things, I can’t stay working on one.

So eventually I’ll have my games done lol.


I also get frustrated working on just one thing greater than 2 weeks. So usually I have one main project complete which have hardly any chance of being finished and one project which I keep coding for fun. Last time that side project was a mutable clone of BigInt class. I also keep learning new things whenever possible.

If Nintendo, Ubisoft, Google, Blizzard, EA and any one else you can think of all teamed up together they probably still wouldn’t have the resources or abilities to work on my first dream game.

So its probably a good thing that one stays buried.

I’m curious. What kind of game is it Mr. BoredMormon?

It was basically a MMO life simulator. Think gameplay like spore. Except all of the levels played at once by hundreds of different players. You wouldn’t just be encountering predators you designed, you would be encountering predators actually played by other players. Plus there was an interlocking conservation based resource system at every level.

…i was missing 100$ million :frowning:


Oh and don’t forget the hidden costs :wink:

I wasn’t missing quite this much but when I totaled up the cloud cpu and bandwidth costs it was definitely in the millions that I do not have :slight_smile:

Even for smaller titles (if we are being a bit realistic) you need a lot of money. First of all you probably cannot do everything on your own, and even if you could you would have to scale up the project time needed, hence you would need as much money.

Where i live i would expect most people on my team to get paid 5K+ $ per month at least. Some more, some less, but around that amount. So even with a 5 person team (and thats a small team) i would be looking at 300K for a year.
And that would not get you a larger project going. You could make a smaller solid indie game for that amount.

Make it as a hobby? Sure if you can stay focused for a few years. Personally however i think you need to work full time on your project else the focus is not there. You will never be as productive on something you visit once or twice a week because it will not be under your ‘skin’. Personal opinion of cause.

Thats why “no one” is making their dream games.

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Now that is one indepth sounding game
A really cool idea for a game.
Now I understand, what you meant in your previous post.

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